This User’s Guide documents RobustIRC features which are not typically found in other IRC servers.

In case you have any questions that this document leaves unanswered, please file an issue on GitHub so that we can answer your question and improve the document.

1. Authentication

RobustIRC supports authenticating yourself when connecting by supplying an IRC server password. Refer to your IRC client documentation for where/how to specify such a password.

Multiple passwords can be specified by separating them with colons and prefixing them with a destination. E.g.: nickserv=secret:oper=topsecret to authenticate to NickServ using the password secret and to authenticate as an IRC operator using the password topsecret. If no destination is specified, NickServ is used as default destination.




NickServ password


RobustIRC captcha (see Captcha support)


Private network password (not yet implemented)


picking up a saved session (not yet implemented)


IRC Operator password


server-to-server connection (services)

2. Captcha support

Note that this feature might not be enabled on all RobustIRC networks. You’ll receive an error message if you try to use it where it isn’t available, so just give it a try.

In case your channel(s) are being abused, you might want to limit joining the channel to people who are willing to serve a captcha before joining. To enable this behavior, set channel mode +x, e.g. using /mode #test +x. Users will then be denied joining the channel and given a link to a captcha form, which will provide a one-time token to join the channel.

Captchas can also be enabled for the entire network, which will prevent people from logging in until they supply the captcha form result as a server password. Contact your IRC operators to enable this mode temporarily.

3. Bans

To ban a user from your channel, use your IRC client’s ban command.

Ban masks are matched against the userhost in the format nick!user@host, e.g. sECuRE!michael@robust/0x1234.

Ban masks in RobustIRC may contain the * operator, which matches zero or more characters. E.g., *!michael@* will match all users whose user is “michael”.

When placing a ban, the RobustSession id in the hostname part of the ban mask (e.g. robust/0x1234) will match both the RobustSession and the IP address which was last used by that RobustSession. I.e., a user will remain banned if they change their IP address but remain connected, and if they reconnect without changing their IP address.