1. What do IRC servers do?

IRC is a text-based protocol to primarily exchange messages, either between one user and another (called query) or one user and many others (messages going into an IRC channel).

In order to do that in an orderly fashion, IRC keeps state for users and channels. For users, the state is most importantly the unique nickname, but also modes (e.g. is the user invisible or should the user be listed in /who?), an away message, etc. For channels, the most visible state is the channel topic, and which users are in a channel.

So, the IRC server is responsible for modifying state on behalf of a user, and for sending messages/state changes out to other users.

2. The RobustIRC processing model

Since RobustIRC uses Raft, the processing model is rather strict: each incoming IRC message possibly modifies state and generates 0 to n outgoing IRC messages.

The FSM.Apply() function is called every time Raft committed a new entry into the log. Raft-internal messages like a change in the peers are ignored, but everything else is treated as an IRC input message and gets sent to ircserver.ProcessMessage.

ircserver.ProcessMessage looks at the IRC message, possibly modifies state, and returns a number of resulting messages. As an example, for the incoming message NICK destroyer, the function would modify the corresponding session’s Nickname attribute to be destroyer, then return the output IRC message :oldnick!robust@robust/0x12345 NICK destroyer.

The result of ircserver.ProcessMessage is then passed to ircserver.SendMessages, which adds the message to an append-only array. Every RobustIRC user is waiting for changes of that array in the GetMessages request, which is a never-ending HTTP request that sends out new array entries as HTTP chunks. Because not every message needs to be sent to every RobustIRC user, they are filtered in ircserver.Session.InterestedIn.

3. The RobustIRC state

RobustIRC state consists of two big parts:

  1. The server state, such as who is logged in, who is in which channel, which modes do the channels have, etc.

  2. The outputstream messages for the last 10 minutes.

The latter needs to be kept around so that users can continue hanging sessions: think a user who suspends their notebook, walks around for 9m, opens the notebook and wants to resume the same session in RobustIRC.

The server state — as of all messages before the oldest outputstream message — is persisted as-is into a Raft snapshot.

Instead of storing the outputstream in a Raft snapshot, we actually store the input messages and replay them on the restored state when restoring from snapshots. This can be thought of as a compression schema: instead of saving the all the output messages (typically relatively long, for some messages also many), we save the 1 input message (typically short).

Since these input messages will only ever be read (sequentially) when restoring from snapshots or when taking a new snapshot, it makes sense to quickly spill them to disk to conserve main memory: they are stored in the “irclog” LevelDB database.

You might wonder how the “raftlog” LevelDB database differs from the “irclog” database, as seemingly both store the input messages. This is true, but the timescales are different: raft assumes that all messages which were processed before taking a snapshot can be deleted because their state changes are represented in the snapshot. Hence, messages more recent than 10 minutes might already be deleted in the “raftlog” database, when we still might need to serve them to users.